Tag Archives: before and after

Makeup Lesson Wowpretty Makeup, Skin Care and Hair Lesson

New record for WOWpretty makeup lessons, just hit it today for 555 students/attendants since last June 2013. THANKS again the attendants who attended the class and who are going to. THANKS who all the attendants who came more than twice (WP loves you).  ONE BIG THANKS to Angie,  Sunshine, Yoong Kao our wowpretty instructors.  And here ‘s before/after picture of WP attendant for the makeup lesson #555, Her name’s Keri, Makeup done by Kari.
Cosmetics : Jira Couture Cosmetics, NYC
Class : Wowpretty Makeup Hair Lessons
makeup lesson

Wowpretty Makeup Tutorial!!!!

Cosmetics : JiraCouture, NYC
Makeup Artist : Angie of Wowpretty

Wowpretty Makeup, Skin Care and Hair Lesson

Shruti is a 27 year old engineer she said her workers don’t wear any makeup but she doesn’t care because she wants to look beautiful everyday. She came to WP lesson to learn how to use liner (with wing), pick a right concealer color, foundation, and application. She even said she watched tutorials on YouTube but was even more confused. Shruti left beautiful, confident, and smiling. Go Shruti!’
So here before/after pic, makeup done by her.

dark skin makeup over