Category Archives: India

Trial Wedding Airbrush Makeup and Hair at Jira Couture Salon, Burlingame

asian wedding makeup M&H : Jira

Cosmetics: www.Jiracouture.comindia wedding makeup

M&H : Nancy



M&H : Nancy


fair skin wedding makeup

M&H : Nancy


India Bride Wedding Makeup

M&H : Yoong


India Wedding Makeup and Hair

India Wedding Makeup and Hair. M&H : Elena of
India wedding makeup and hair

The Fairmont San Jose Hotel Wedding Picture

india bridal makeupindiawedding

The Fairmont San Jose Hotel Wedding Picture. M&H :Yoong of Wowpretty
Cosmetics :

Photos done by Tyler Vu Photography


Wowpretty Transformation Makeup and hair

Transformation makeup hair

Wowpretty Makeup, Skin Care and Hair Lesson

Sanfeeta came to WP today for her makeup lesson. She was looking for us to help her choose a short cut for a day and night makeup look w/o foundation and any powder and wanting to learn how to use bronzer and applying fake lashes. She was also looking the best way to use a curling iron with hair updo styles. Here are the great results with Before / after pics! Makeup & Hair done by Sanfeeta
Instructor : Annelie Sunshine Ortiz-Lerma
Cosmetics : Jira Couture cosmetics

before and after india makeup

Wowpretty Makeup, Skin Care and Hair Lesson

Martha a 2nd grade school teacher and a mother of one 12 year old came for her WP makeup class. She was looking for a good light makeup for day time when she is at school. So we helped her to pick the correct eye shadows (light color for the eyes) that would stay on all day & I introduced her to JC eye primer because one of her problem the eye shadows and liner won’t stay all day.
Here are the before and after pics. Makeup done by her, She was so happy with the results.

dark skin makeover

Wowpretty Makeup, Skin Care and Hair Lesson

Shruti is a 27 year old engineer she said her workers don’t wear any makeup but she doesn’t care because she wants to look beautiful everyday. She came to WP lesson to learn how to use liner (with wing), pick a right concealer color, foundation, and application. She even said she watched tutorials on YouTube but was even more confused. Shruti left beautiful, confident, and smiling. Go Shruti!’
So here before/after pic, makeup done by her.

dark skin makeup over

Wowpretty Makeup, Skin Care and Hair Lesson

“Sumana, a busy Doctor came to WP for her makeup lesson and wanted achieve a makeup look for night while also getting the perfect wedding makeup look for her wedding day next week. Here are the before/after pic results! Congrats to her on the wedding day again!” Btw, before she left, she said” Can I hug you, Jira” and also she had her tear on her eyes”  

This is Sumana before / after picture,  M&H done by Sumana.

Cosmetics :

dark skin makeup picture

A City Hall Wedding, San Francisco, A Gorgeous Indian Wedding

india wedding city hall san francisco

Photo by Arrowood photography

Wowpretty Makeup Hair Agency Showcase Wedding Northern – Southern California

A little quick tip from Wowpretty Makeup Hair Agency Showcase Wedding Northern – Southern California.
Makeup and Hair done by Jira, Elena, Yoong, Nancy, Anna, Vinnie, and Sooyeon, Cosmetics by Jira Couture, NYC

Asian wedding, India Wedding, Makeup Hair Wedding in California